Positive Chemistry Experiences
Table of Contents for Part VII (go to full contents)
From "Organic Chemistry 2 Primer 2021" by Smith, et al. If you prefer a paper copy of the whole book you can get one at the Amazon link
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Part VII: Determining the Structure of Organic Compounds
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy
Lesson VII.1. Interaction of Ultraviolet and Visible Light with Molecules
Lesson VII.2. UV–Visible Spectroscopy
Infrared Spectroscopy
Lesson VII.3. Interaction of Infrared Light with Molecules
Lesson VII.4. Infrared Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Lesson VII.5. Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Lesson VII.6. Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Lesson VII.7. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry Click here to download the text (.PDF)
These Lessons are not developed into full lessons with videos, but the textbook chapter can be downloaded at the link above
Lesson VII.8. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry
Lesson VII.9. Introduction to Fragmentation Mechanisms
Lesson VII.10. Fragmentation of Alkanes
Lesson VII.11. Fragmentation of Heteroatom-Containing Aliphatics
Lesson VII.12. Fragmentation of Carbonyl-Containing Molecules
Lesson VII.13. Fragmentation of Arenes
Lesson VII.14. Fragmentation of Alkenes
Lesson VII.15. Fragmentation of Other Unsaturated Molecules
Organic Chemistry 2 Primer Lessons (Part VII)
If you want a paper copy of the whole book, go to the Amazon link
Lesson VII.1

Lesson VII.2

Lesson VII.3

Lesson VII.4

Lesson VII.5

Lesson VII.6

Lesson VII.7

Lessons VII.8-15 (Mass Spectrometry) Click here to download the text (.PDF)
These Lessons are not developed into full lessons with videos, but the textbook can be downloaded at the link above (53 pages). The lessons included in this file are listed below:
Lesson VII.8. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry
Lesson VII.9. Introduction to Fragmentation Mechanisms
Lesson VII.10. Fragmentation of Alkanes
Lesson VII.11. Fragmentation of Heteroatom-Containing Aliphatics
Lesson VII.12. Fragmentation of Carbonyl-Containing Molecules
Lesson VII.13. Fragmentation of Arenes
Lesson VII.14. Fragmentation of Alkenes
Lesson VII.15. Fragmentation of Other Unsaturated Molecules